MRgRT AI-based Target Tracking

In this project, we make use of AI methods such as transformer-based deformation models, to automatically track lesions in cine-MRI.

Experimental comparison of linear regression and LSTM motion prediction models for MLC‐tracking on an MRI‐linac

Evaluation of real-time tumor contour prediction using LSTM networks for MR-guided radiotherapy

Offline and online LSTM networks for respiratory motion prediction in MR-guided radiotherapy

Elia Lombardo
Elia Lombardo
Doctoral Student

My PhD project is on motion management and artificial intelligence in MRgRT.

Tom Blöcker
Tom Blöcker
Doctoral Student

My PhD project is on AI tumor tracking using foundation models.

Christopher Kurz
Christopher Kurz
Group Leader in MR Guided Radiation Therapy

My research interests include MRgRT and CBCT imaging.

Guillaume Landry
Guillaume Landry
Professor of Image Guided Radiation Therapy

My research interests include image guidance and artificial intelligence.